Comparing Excisional And Incisional Biopsies In Canada


Excisional biopsy is the removal of an entire lump or suspicious area of tissue, while incisional biopsy involves the removal of only a portion of the lump or suspicious area. In Canada, both types of biopsy are commonly used to diagnose or monitor a number of diseases, including cancer.

Excisional biopsy is generally considered to be the preferred method of biopsy, as it allows for a more complete examination of the tissue and is more likely to yield accurate results. It is also less likely to leave behind any potentially cancerous cells. However, excisional biopsies can be more invasive and require a larger incision. In addition, they may also require more time for recovery.

Incisional biopsies are often used when a complete excisional biopsy is not possible, such as when there is not enough tissue to be removed, or when the tissue is located in a difficult to reach area. Incisional biopsies are generally less invasive and require a smaller incision and shorter recovery time. However, they are not as thorough as an excisional biopsy and may leave behind some potentially cancerous cells.

Overall, both types of biopsy can be used to diagnose or monitor a variety of diseases, including cancer. The choice of which type of biopsy to use should be based on the specific needs of the patient and the recommendations of the doctor or specialist.

Comparing Excisional And Incisional Biopsies In Canada

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